Job has started, but not responded for 10 seconds

Everytime a backup job is started, BackWPup checks if the job was started within 10 seconds. If not, the following error message will be displayed:

Job „%s“ has started, but not responded for 10 seconds.

In this case go to BackWPup → Settings → Information. There you can find the entry Server self connect with more details, which are relevant to this error message.

If you don’t know what to do with this, copy all information on this page and contact the BackWPup Support. For the Free Version use the support forums on If you have purchased the Pro Version, you can use the BackWPup Premium Support.

Server self connect
Server self connect

Error messages and possible solutions

Here is a list of error messages, which can appear under Server Self connect.

Not expected HTTP response: WP Http Error:  Failure when receiving data from the peer

In this case your host is probably blocking the access to the wp-cron.php file. Please contact your host and check if this is the case and if it is possible to change. Apart from that you can try a workaround for BackWPup: Activate alternative Cron by adding the following line to your wp-config.php:

define( 'ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true );

Not expected HTTP response: Status-Code: 500

  • Check if your blog is in maintenance mode. The maintenance mode blocks the plugin’s ability to access the WordPress files and folders.