How to backup WordPress to Dropbox

A Dropbox account is a prerequisite for saving a WordPress backup with BackWPup to Dropbox. If you don’t have one set up, you can find instructions here.

  1. Go to BackWPup in the WordPress backend and edit an existing job or create a new one. (BackWPup → Jobs or BackWPup → Add new Job).
  2. In the General tab, go to the Job Destinations section and check the Backup to Dropbox box.

    Check the Backup to Dropbox box
    Check the Backup to Dropbox option
  3. A new tab appears To: Dropbox, where you can configure the settings for Dropbox.

    Configure the settings for Dropbox
    Configure the settings for Dropbox
  4. If the connection to Dropbox is not established,  a red highlighted “Not authenticated!” will appear at the top of the page.
  5. If you don’t have a Dropbox account yet, you can register for one by clicking the Create Account button.
  6. To authenticate, use one of the two buttons Get Dropbox App auth code or Get full Dropbox auth code. The first method will only create access to a particular folder (Apps), while the second method will create access to the entire Dropbox account. We recommend that you use limited App access.
  7. Clicking one of the buttons will forward you to the Dropbox site, where Dropbox requests access to your site. Click on Allow here.

    Access to Dropbox
    Access to Dropbox
  8. On the next page, a code is displayed.
  9. Copy the code and paste it to the field next to the button you have clicked on before on the job settings page. Then click on Save Changes at the bottom. BackWPup should now show you that it is successfully connected to Dropbox.

    Set the name at the Destination folder field
    Set the name at the Destination folder field
  10. Now you can change or set the name at the Destination Folder field where the backup files will be stored. If you have used the App authentication, this folder will be located under Apps/BackWPup.
  11. In the File Deletion field, you can set the maximum number of backups, which will be stored in Dropbox. This saves you space on your Dropbox. If the maximum number is reached, the oldest backup will be deleted.
  12. Start a backup job with Dropbox as the job destination to check if the Dropbox setup is working correctly. You should see the backup file in your Dropbox if the job is done.
    Backup file in your Dropbox
    Backup file in your Dropbox

    See the backup file in your Dropbox
    See the backup file in your Dropbox