Job has started, but not responded for 10 seconds

Every time a backup process is started, BackWPup checks if the job was started within 10 seconds. If not, the following error message will be displayed:

Job „%s“ has started, but not responded for 10 seconds.

In this case, try the below troubleshooting steps:

  • The issue may happen because your host is probably blocking access to the wp-cron.php file. Please contact your host and check if this is the case and if it is possible to change. Apart from that, you can try a workaround for BackWPup: Activate alternative Cron by adding the following line to your wp-config.php:
define( 'ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true );
  • Check if your blog is in maintenance mode. The maintenance mode blocks the plugin’s ability to access the WordPress files and folders.