BackWPup version 3.3.6 now available – PHP 7.1 compatible
A new version of BackWPup, BackWPup 3.3.6, is now available. Due to our WordPress backup plugin, backups of your WordPress-installation are made automatically. With BackWPup, you can decide for yourself when and where to save your content. The new version contains further improvements and extensions. You can download the free version from and the pro version from
Highlights and other important information
PHP 7.1 compatibility
BackWPup 3.3.6 is the first version to be 100% compatible with the latest version of PHP, PHP 7.1. We removed all the functions deprecated in this version and tested all the features in this new amazing PHP version.
Improved security
API keys and other sensitive information were stored using mcrypt algorithm, though, it is deprecated since PHP 7.1. Therefore, we moved to Open SSL encryption, using the “mcrypt” for users still on PHP 5.2.
Several bugs fixed
As always, this feature fixes a few small bugs and issues that were reported in our free and pro support channel.
Important notice for all PHP 5.2 users
In order to ensure a fast and secure development for BackWPup, we will most likely not support PHP version 5.2 in future versions. This is why users that are still on this old version will see a notice to inform them. The notice contains a link to contact us so we can help to migrate to a more modern and recommended PHP version. If the response from PHP 5.2 users is surprisingly high, we will eventually keep the support for PHP 5.2 for a while.
We ask users for help
Modern PHP and WordPress versions make the development and the maintenance of plugins much easier: They are faster, more secure and more future proof. Maintaining the support for old PHP and WordPress versions takes up a lot of time and effort that could, instead, be used to improve and make our plugin better, faster and safer.
However, we don’t want to left any of our users behind and before taking the decision of cutting the support to old versions of PHP and WordPress, we want to be sure that our users will be able to use future versions of our plugin.
For all these reasons, starting from version 3.3.6, we ask all the users for consent to communicate the version of PHP and WordPress in use to our servers. Please note that no personal data at all is sent or recorded in any way on our side! If you like BackWPup and you’d like to see it improving, please agree.
The full changelog for BackWPup 3.3.6 is below:
- Improved: Compatibility with PHP 7 and PHP 7.1
- Improved: Encryption (use Open SSL when available, mcrypt as fallback for PHP 5.2 users)
- Improved: check for mod_authz_core.c module in .htaccess file
- Added: Deprecation notice for PHP 5.2 users
- Added: Translation for formal german
- Added: Ask for consent on phone home anonymously PHP & WP Version
- Added: Dashboard widget to recruit new Inpsyders
- Updated: Translation for german
- PRO: Fixed issue with wrong redirect during Google Drive authorization
If you find an issue, please contact us via GitHub directly or write a comment on this post – we’re happy about your suggestions.
Do you need support or have any questions concerning the new version? As user of the free version, you get help in the forum. As owner of the pro version, you can get support on
Your Inpsyde-Team
PS: You would like to further develop BackWPup? Then, your lucky day is today! We search for PHP-Developers, for example as BackWPup-Developer and -Supporter or WooCommerce-Developer. Apply now!