How to do Manual or Scheduled Backups in BackWPup
Backup can be started either immediately or scheduled. You can choose between different ways a backup can be executed.
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Manual Backup

To execute a backup at any time, use the Backup Now button. This option is useful when you need a current copy of your site, such as before applying updates or making significant changes.
Scheduled Backups
Scheduled backups help ensure your website data is automatically saved at regular intervals without manual intervention. Here’s how to set them up:
View and Modify Backup Schedules:
- On your settings page, you’ll find when the next backup is due. To adjust this, click “View Settings.”
Selecting the Backup Frequency:

- You can set the backups to occur daily, weekly, or monthly depending on your preference.
- Let say you select ‘Weekly’ as your frequency, you can choose the day of the week and the time for the backup. This allows you to tailor backups to fit your site’s traffic patterns and server load, enhancing performance.
With these settings, your backups will automatically run at the specified times, ensuring consistent data protection.