BackWPup release 3.10.0: Dropbox API update

BackWPup release 3.10.0 is available in our shops! This new version provides some fixes and also supports the recent Dropbox API authentication update.

In this post we give you further information about the latest changes.

Support for Dropbox short-lived access tokens

Recently Dropbox performed an update to their authorization model: now the Dropbox API supports OAuth scopes, PKCE, refresh tokens, and short-lived access tokens.

This means that BackWPup had to be updated to properly interact with Dropbox, and the settings have been properly updated. From the user point of view these changes are not visible since the UX will be the same.

The only exception regards the user that already has some BackWPup jobs already connected with Dropbox. In fact in that case it will be necessary to re-authenticate the jobs.

In that case the new version of BackWPup will report a notice to warn the user to perform such re-authentication.

Further details are available here: Dropbox Token and Permission updates.

Fatal error on plugin update if $transient is null

An issue during the plugin update process has been detected by our customers. In fact, in some cases, an empty variable could cause a fatal error.

Probably this is due to conflict with the server environment, so for example other plugins could create this null value. As a result the update process led to a fatal error.

Currently a further check in the code has been added to prevent the error. But in that case the automated updates check performed by WordPress could not be able to detect a new version, and hence to perform the upgrade.

The best workaround in that case could be to perform the upgrade manually, as explained here How to manually check for plugin updates.

Small files uploaded twice to HiDrive

A bug was affecting the HiDrive destination when dealing with small files: in fact when a file had a size less than 5 MB, it was uploaded twice.

This bug is now fixed and HiDrive destination works perfectly with BackWPup.

Support emojis and other 4-byte characters in database dump

We discovered that emojis characters did not get saved correctly in database file created by BackWPUp.

The problem was related to the fact that emojis or other characters using 4 bytes were not properly encoded if the charset is set to utf8.

This is a small but important fix, since now with the new 3.10.0 version, all emojis are properly saved and so the post content is not corrupted.

Changelog for BackWPup 3.10.0

Here follows the changelog:

  • Added:
    • Support for Dropbox short-lived access tokens
  • Fixed:
    • (Pro): Prevent out of memory error on HiDrive backups
    • (Pro): Small files uploaded twice to HiDrive
    • (Pro): Fatal error on plugin update if $transient is null
    • (Pro): Restore of stored functions, procedures, and triggers
    • Export of stored functions, procedures, and triggers including delimiters
    • Support emojis and other 4-byte characters in database dump
    • PHP 8 deprecation notice in XML export

Still Problems? Contact us!

Did you find a bug in BackWPup? Please let us know over at Github.